A lab rotation project. Under development from 2021.12 to 2022.1.


Predicting protein inter-chain residue distances from sequences irrespective of paired MSA.




Data Resources

Input Features

Fitting Targets

PDB Inter-chain Cβ-Cβ Distance Map pdb_id human chain virus chain len(human chain) len(virus chain)
3wwt A B 123 107
1im3 E H 275 95
6bvv A B 416 24
4rf1 B A 75 321
6e5x B A 13 127

Real-valued distances are discretely binned:

Network Architecture

Model Design

During Training

Current Training and Validation Results

loss per epoch

Dataset Preparation

NOTE: the datasets have not been carefully curated, they just serve as demo inputs for training and validation. Thus the training and validation results are just a demonstration of the model’s learning ability.


Hardware & Software Prerequisites


I would like to thank Jinyuan Guo and Prof. Huaiqiu Zhu for their helpful discussions and provide me with devices to develop this project.

Reference Papers

base on these papers


Apache-2.0 License