
A Report About Clinical Genome(ClinGen) Resource

Basic Information Report: Clinical Genome (ClinGen) Resource - Erin Ramos and Sharon Plon Why we want the ClinGen Resource 检测突变的能力大大超过将这些突变与临床影响建立解释的能力 often without common data standar...

Recommended Readings

Bioinformatics/Computational Biology Bioinformatics Challenges at the Interface of Biology and Computer Science: Mind the Gap Teresa K. Attwood, Stephen R. Pettifer, David Thorne (2016 John Wi...

Idea in Protein Study

Basic Information This note record my ideas/some knowledge in protein study Salting out of protein 盐析(salting out)是指在蛋白质水溶液中加入中性盐,随着盐浓度增大而使蛋白质沉淀出来的现象。 中性盐是强电解质,溶解度又大,在蛋白质溶液中, 一方面与蛋白质争夺水...

Validation of PDB

wwPDB X-ray validation reports According to the recommendations of the wwPDB X-ray Validation Task Force (VTF) A New Generation of Crystallographic Validation Tools for the Protein Data Bank. ...

Note of some special PDB Entry

Content 5VGA PubMed: 29113027 Re-refinement Note This entry reflects an alternative modeling of the original data in: 2A6I - determined by Sethi, D.K., Agarwal, A., Manivel, V., Rao, K....

Proteomics Informatics (Task 1)

Requirement 复现文章 Potential inhibitors for 2019-nCoV coronavirus M protease From clinically approved medicines Xin Liu, Xiu-Jie Wang Material Sequence Resource The protein sequences ...

Note of Transcriptome Informatics (2020-02-25)

Data Preprocessing of Hybrid Genechip 数据获取单元: 点 红色前景荧光强度: $\text{Rf}$ 红色背景荧光强度: $\text{Rb}$ 绿色前景荧光强度: $\text{Gf}$ 绿色背景荧光强度: $\text{Gb}$ 背景校正 $\text{R=\text{Rf}-\text{Rb}}$ ...

LOWESS Smoothing

Basic Information Local regression or local polynomial regression, also known as moving regression, is a generalization of moving average and polynomial regression. Its most common methods, ini...

Introduction to Shannon Entropy

Entropy (Measuring Information) Definition of Shannon’s Entropy 信息中有 有意义信息(非冗余) 无意义信息 冗余信息 Bit作为信息量(Information)的衡量方式 Bit = 0 or 1 (是或不是, 天然等概率) ...

Asynchronous Programming in Python 3.6+

Waiting for construct